Read Part 1 here. Written by Jersey McGoody So before I go to the meeting, I’m googling away and find Pink Truth. Again, THANK YOU!! I’ve had my suspicions about Mary Kay Cosmetics being a sneaky MLM, but wanted to Read more…
Written by Jersey McGoody Hey everyone! First off, I want to say thank you to this website and all on it! I’ve been reading through some of the posts on here and let me just say it’s some great reading Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Locusts are relentless creatures – they eat and eat and never seem to be satisfied. I mean, I thought I could put a good hurting on bacon and all things coconut, but these little guys put Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Mary Kay nsd Pam Shaw shows you how to close a recruit while you are at the event or at the unit meeting by using a leaf dipped in 14 karat gold. Scrib’s note: Are you Read more…
Written by MommyMindi At a loss for what to tell the woman who joined your Mom’s group, church, or organization just to sell Mary Kay? Dear New Independent Beauty Consultant: Thank you for your interest in joining our club…. but Read more…
This article was originally published in March 2009. We are running it again to illustrate what happens to Mary Kay “stars” in a period of five years. Written by The Scribbler Curious about that title, dear seeker? If you are, Read more…
Written by Raisinberry One of the devices used to achieve mind-numbing compliance with all things Mary Kay was the use of the slogan. We were led down a path of little to no resistance because no matter what ugly objection Read more…
Written by Raisinberry The Devil has come against us in the form of NEGATIVE BLOGS to destroy our Mary Kay world! Or has he? It is interesting how people have different perspectives about things. We all know, that nobody knows Read more…
Written by AesSedai Once upon time there was beautiful, smart, loving woman. She had a wonderful husband and a young family. All she wanted was to be a good wife and mom. Being a young mom was hard, and it Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Next up on That’s Incredible: NSDs who tell it like it is! Let’s listen in as NSD Nancy Moser schools her units regarding proper behavior at unit meetings. It’s fresh, it’s with-it, and now comes with Read more…
Another accomplished mksuckcess story. Barely literate. Reduced to non-verbal communication. A lot to admire.
Why should Marriott staff contact Mary Kay Corp when 1) Marriott followed the T&C that Casie had agreed to even…
WTH did I just read? And why do I now have visions of someone in a pink furry costume, complete…
Hahahahah we didn't need you to clarify. We know what the deceptive language of "promoting yourself" means.
Why is it Marriott's responsibility to keep track of her jacket? It wasn't important enough for her to think about…