The hallmark of pyramid schemes (masquerading as something legitimate under an innocent-sounding name like multi-level marketing) is false earnings claims. We at Pink Truth know that time and again, research shows that more than 99% of people LOSE MONEY in Read more…
Written by The Scribbler For those that aren’t familiar with the MRS. CAB recruiting script, it is an acronym designed to show potential recruits the reasons why women join Mary Kay: Money, Recognition, Self-Confidence and Personal Growth, Cars, Advancement, and Read more…
This is a heartwarming email that a sales director sent to her unit as she was leaving Mary Kay. Three cheers for the truth! I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I was just notified that Read more…
Following the receipt of a letter from a long-time Mary Kay sales director to her unit, the husband of a consultant sent this response. This letter is likely representative of what so many Mary Kay husbands and boyfriends see. That Read more…
Written by Suzy Q So, we taped hours and hours of painful, humiliating, humbling information about our experiences in Mary Kay, and ABC diluted it down to about 12 minutes. However, it made an impact and I was pleased to Read more…
Mary Kay Cosmetics was hoping that ABC’s 20/20 would share their version of the story: that lots of products are sold, lots of money is made, and Mary Kay enriches women’s lives. Unfortunately for them, Rebecca Jarvis dug into the Read more…
Thank you for seeking out Pink Truth. You may have just seen the story on Mary Kay Cosmetics on ABC’s 20/20, and you probably want more information. Contrary to what our critics will tell you, this site is not full Read more…
Tune in to 20/20 on ABC on Friday October 2 for a story on the truth behind Mary Kay’s multi-level marketing “opportunity.” MLM is not a business opportunity, it’s a clever scam that has been made to look like a Read more…
The Direct Selling Association (DSA) promotes itself as a trade association that ensures ethics and integrity among the multi-level marketing companies that are members. The real truth about the DSA is in this clip of my appearance on HuffPost Live:
Written by The Scribbler Check out the following scripted line and let’s see if we can break the record for “Most Heads Simultaneously Scratched!” Ready? Aaand, action! “We’re looking for women who aren’t the sales type. As an MK Beauty Read more…
My recruiter and former director sent me a Christmas card. In it she thanked me for helping her rise above…
"the $2,000 in expired product"!!! That's a HUGE LOSS! Yes, it's deductible as a business expense, but did she make…
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Unfortunately, Jon Taylor did not include Mary Kay in his analysis for the FTC, but just look at the performance… Canadian income Disclosure for 2023.