Yesterday ESPN published an article about AdvoCare, Drew Brees Has A Dream He’d Like To Sell You. AdvoCare is a typical multi-level marketing (MLM) company. It focuses on selling a “business opportunity” and uses nutritional products to make it appear Read more…
This is possibly my favorite secret from PostSecret… ever!
Written by The Scribbler This article comes to us courtesy of Mary Kay’s popular MRS. CAB recruiting aid. For those that aren’t familiar with MRS. CAB, it is an acronym designed to show potential recruits the reasons why women join Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens I’ve seen this business cost comparison flyer on many director’s websites. I don’t know who developed it, but they are overestimating startup costs by about 2000% for at least one of the businesses. It makes Mary Read more…
Written by BlessedOne Oh if only she was more like me. My heavens, what a joy life would be if my wife had more of the same likes and dislikes, if we shared the same opinions. Wouldn’t our time together Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens An advertisement for Pink Truth…
Written by Lazy Gardens The bumblebee is the unofficial company mascot for Mary Kay. Along with the many bejewelled versions of the insect handed out for awards comes the uplifting glurge that is the “Legend of the Bumblebee”. But it’s Read more…
More “God wants you to sell Mary Kay” junk from a Mary Kay nsd. Talk about pink fog… Bold or Broke??? This control.Think about this today. Good Morning and Praise God for the ability to wake up and enjoy Read more…
This is what masquerades as “training” in Mary Kay. Unfortunately no amount of clever (or in this case, not-so-clever) ideas will get women to book and hold Mary Kay skin care classes with you. Sure, these are ways to run Read more…
Back in 2013, I criticized Dave Ramsey sharply for promoting the idea that multi-level marketing is a way for consumers to make a lot of money. This article was published on his site, and it said: Truthfully, if you have Read more…
Another accomplished mksuckcess story. Barely literate. Reduced to non-verbal communication. A lot to admire.
Why should Marriott staff contact Mary Kay Corp when 1) Marriott followed the T&C that Casie had agreed to even…
WTH did I just read? And why do I now have visions of someone in a pink furry costume, complete…
Hahahahah we didn't need you to clarify. We know what the deceptive language of "promoting yourself" means.
Why is it Marriott's responsibility to keep track of her jacket? It wasn't important enough for her to think about…