Reader Bill shares his experience with Mary Kay. His wife put his family in debt with Mary Kay, and the lies and financial wreckage eventually led to the end of their marriage. Everything on this website encapsulates my story. I Read more…
Women in Mary Kay love to talk about their “highest check.” They know if they talk about the one big check they got 8 years ago, women will quietly multiply that by 12 in their heads and say “wow, that’s Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose One of the most common rebuttals offered by our Friday Critics when confronted with the abysmal earning reports for Mary Kay consultants is that those disclosures only show commissions on team building. Not everyone chooses to Read more…
News of MLM companies not MLMing anymore is really upsetting the bots who are completely invested in these scams. They’re the kind of people who won’t admit that they’re in an MLM.. and they play word games and call their Read more…
I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant and I love it! I feel so bad that many of you have experienced negative aspects of the business. It’s very true direct marketing isn’t for everyone. I find the best candidates who Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Do you know about the Mary Kay concept of the Gold Medal? Simply put, winning a Gold Medal means that one has recruited five women within a given month. There are lesser metals assigned for lesser Read more…
A new Mary Kay recruit, almost reeled in by a sales director who she thought was becoming her friend. But it was really all about the inventory. So, I’ve always been well aware of the name Mary Kay. It’s been Read more…
Mary Kay recruiters and sales directors rave about the “benefits” of being a part of Mary Kay Cosmetics. How the items on this list can possibly be compared to paid sick leave, a 401(k) or tuition assistance is beyond me. Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Oh, I wish I had the magic words! Just what does it take to get the message across to the pink believers that MK is a scam? What part don’t they get? Maybe a short reminder would Read more…
A Mary Kay husband responding to the fact that 99% of people lose money in MLM, meaning it’s nearly impossible to make money selling Mary Kay products: It’s only impossible if you do not sell it. You were unable to Read more…
Entitlement, pure and simple.
Why she keeps putting blame on and speaking negatively about the hotel, I don't not.understand. They did nothing wrong here!…
She says she filed an intent to press charges. But if the jacket was handed over to Marriott, held for… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?