Krystal Shada is a wanna-be national sales director in Mary Kay Cosmetics. And she provides us the opportunity to check out who is selling Mary Kay products. When I point out that Mary Kay has lots of characteristics of pyramid Read more…
Director in Qualification! DIQ! The one big hurdle any Mary Kay wanna be “big girl” has to clear. In order to become a sales director, the consultant must complete DIQ. So today, we are going to receive a lesson from Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Yesterday I introduced you to a Facebook community called The Million Dollar Message Listeners (M$M ), run by six top directors who are daughters, sisters, or nieces of National Sales Directors (Kristin Rogers, Jordan Helou Eicher, Read more…
Written by The Scribbler I’m a big fan of the TV show Kitchen Nightmares. It’s an entertaining spectacle where restaurant owners contact professional chef Gordon Ramsay for help in turning their sagging businesses around. One of the first things Chef Read more…
Mary Kay national sales director Gillian Ortega and Cruella de Vil. Can you tell who is who? Leave your caption in the comments below.
This, my friends, is a Mary Kay business meeting involving both a national sales director and a sales director. No wonder there is so much success in Mary Kay Cosmetics!
I have always been a big Dave Ramsey fan, and believed that his financial advice for consumers is first rate. But today Dave Ramsey got it wrong in a big way. On his blog, he published an article about making Read more…
This photo is compliments of a Mary Kay sales director. Feel free to debunk the lie of “what I actually do,” or just make a funny caption for it.
Written by The Scribbler False income claims are the primary recruiting tool used by multi-level marketing companies to lure in new recruits. Mary Kay sales director Roya Mattis loves to say “if she can do it, I can do it Read more…
Another accomplished mksuckcess story. Barely literate. Reduced to non-verbal communication. A lot to admire.
Why should Marriott staff contact Mary Kay Corp when 1) Marriott followed the T&C that Casie had agreed to even…
WTH did I just read? And why do I now have visions of someone in a pink furry costume, complete…
Hahahahah we didn't need you to clarify. We know what the deceptive language of "promoting yourself" means.
Why is it Marriott's responsibility to keep track of her jacket? It wasn't important enough for her to think about…