Written by PinkPunch When I first decided to chronicle Mary Kay’s constant massive product changes, I dove right into my Look Books. The problem was that once I started looking, I didn’t even know where the heck to begin! The Read more…
Written by Rachel Sometimes critics ask why we spend so much time at Pink Truth, saying the same things over and over. Why don’t we just get over it already, and move on? Believe me, many of us have asked Read more…
Written by Saw the Light Did you ever wonder why you can’t place your own order on the last day of the month? Why your Mary Kay sales director must place it? Here’s the answer to all your questions. One Read more…
Written by Rachel One of the worst things that happened to me in Mary Kay was that I lost my voice. I was accustomed to supervisors who answered my questions, and listened to my suggestions and ideas. My SD never Read more…
Written by PinkPunch Check out the changes Mary Kay Cosmetics has made to Satin Hands through the years!
Written by PinkPunch Here are Mary Kay's formula and packaging changes to the Miracle Set from Winter 2003 through June 2009.
Written by Rachel Did your sales director ever tell you, “Don’t let anyone steal your dream”? Well, that was good advice. As long as you know what your dream is. The trouble is, once you’ve spent enough time in the Read more…
Written by PinkPunch Question: Does MK constantly change product packaging, colors and formulas etc… to: stay on the cutting edge and look up-to-date or because they know you'll be stuck with the old and forced to buy the new, which Read more…
Mary Kay nsds Cheryl Knight Carol Lawler, Linda Toupin, and Pamela Waldrop Shaw
I wonder how many marriages were destroyed over this company. We know that the Queen Mary Kay Ash + was…
I stopped reading after the 4th one. All I see here is dream crushing going on.
I would add the caveat to keep an eye on your children's credit reports also, in case she tries to…
My wakeup call came after a conversation like this with my husband. I had gotten us into about $24,000 worth…
Powerful stuff. Keep in mind that MLMs like MK use specific tools to drive a wedge between husband and wife,…