As a Mary Kay Director-in-Qualification (DIQ) attempts to round up enough recruits and production to become a sales director, orders are often placed on behalf of consultants. Here are the company’s rules regarding this practice…. DIQs in Mary Kay finish Read more…
The beloved Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Louis Eckman Weaver Miller Hallenbeck Ash. Her family and Mary Kay Cosmetics prefer us to say Mary Kay Ash, for obvious reasons. If you don’t know about Mary Kay’s SEVEN marriages, go read here.
Behold, a real live Mary Kay Pink Cadillac, with a sales director in the trunk.
Live from Mary Kay’s Seminar 2011 at the Dallas Convention Center:
Mary Kay brags that they recruited 165,000 new consultants in April 2011, and that March 2011 was the month with highest sales ever in the history of Mary Kay. But how engaged are all these orderers? If seminar attendance is Read more…
Mary Kay’s annual “Seminar” in Dallas each July is a chance for everyone to come together for one big pep rally. Women get to show off their evening gowns, and get that “Homecoming Queen” experience that they never had in Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens
Thanks to wazpink for providing us with this picture of Mary Kay sales director debuts at Emerald Seminar. I have included pictures for prior years too, so you can compare the numbers. If anyone gets their hands on similar pictures Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Last year a book was released titled Ask ME About MARY KAY: The true story behind the bumper sticker on the pink Cadillac, authored by Jackie Brown. Jackie Brown is one of the original consultants who Read more…
What about his dream? When they first got married, he probably dreamed of a life together, one where they worked…
The divorce rate, at least among nationals, is significantly higher than the general population. Nationals like to tout that this…
"Dream crushing"? Why is a REALITY check, and running a business like a REAL business with expenses under control, inventory…
I second locking down children's credit reports. There's at one thread a week on Reddit where some-one has committed identity…
And do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing?