Written by Raisinberry I hope you’re sitting down because you are going to need a chair. Oh and you are going to need duct tape. Wrap it firmly around your head. You are about to experience hypocrisy at such an Read more…
A 1997 article from Forbes magazine does an excellent job of explaining the pyramid that is multi-level marketing. And I don’t think anyone is going to accuse Forbes of being “bitter ex-MK consultants who coudn’t make it” or “anti-MLM zealots Read more…
Last week, the Columbia Business Times featured a Mary Kay sales director in its “People You Should Know” section. And the truth comes out! Mary Kay comes before her children. Here’s what was printed: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Other than Mary Kay, Read more…
How often do we hear that Mary Kay is all about the wonderful product? “You and sell it and you can make a profit!” Yeah, well if you’re like 99% of the other women in Mary Kay, you won’t sell Read more…
Written by ContourTHIS Woo-hoo! I had more than $600 in sales last week! And I’m not even counting taxes collected – like SOME people I know. I had 11 sales in 7 days averaging about $56 retail. My director says Read more…
A couple of years ago, I did this exercise on Pink Truth, examining who was really selling these cosmetics. One of our members did a similar thing on the discussion board yesterday, so I thought it was a perfect time Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant's letter to her sale director, looking for some real information on Mary Kay. Hi Sales Director: What I have to tell you in these next few paragraphs has no bearing on what I think of Read more…
Written by Rachel On the discussion board last week, our friend Woodchuck77 told us: I got a message from a so-called "friend" saying: "Most people out there have no goals or dreams. Mary Kay teaches us to have goals and Read more…
Written by Rachel A few weeks ago, Pink Truth discussion board members were asked to do a T.V. interview for a really cool show and tell the world what’s wrong with Mary Kay and MLM. This is something many of Read more…
I hate these kinds of suggestions. “All you have to do is…” “If you just found 10 women who….” “It only takes….”
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0I-splNYck
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…