It’s exciting talking about the value of that “free” Mary Kay car, isn’t it? How great to imagine not having a car payment again. We’d all like to be driving “free,” wouldn’t we? The trouble is that the “free” Mary Read more…
This latest promotion by a Mary Kay director not only screams desperation, it gives a completely false impression about what it will really cost a new consultant to get started. Sure the $100 rebate and FREE FREE FREE sound good, Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Recently I shared how Mary Kay recruiter claims of “Can you get excited about making $80 for a two-hour class?” weren’t quite as fantastic as they sounded. I also shared a bit about a garage sale Read more…
As if this year’s brown ones weren’t enough of a sight, check out the 2009-2010 Mary Kay director suits! (Click on the pictures to see them full size.)
Written by PoppingThePinkBubble There are many discussions about the “Free” Mary Kay Cars. Many discussions about consultants and directors buying their way to the free car. And then, the dreaded co-pays. My Mary Kay journey and demise involves not only Read more…
Out of curiosity, I went searching through old photo albums so I could see if I had any pictures of the director debuts back when I was in Mary Kay. And voila! Here I have a picture of Sapphire director Read more…
Written by The Artist As I stepped away from Mary Kay, I remember thinking of all that I could have done if circumstances in my family had been different… shoulda… woulda… coulda. I felt that I did the best I Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Because the directors in your area have obeyed your command and are not looking at the negative website (unless they stumbled upon here accidentally) we know YOU are reading almost as much as the regular readers on Read more…
Agents of anger…hmmmm…checking in with myself…nope, not angry, actually quite at peace with not being in Mary Kay or any…
I am sure you all well blast me on your website and make fun of me, if you even read…
They always believe that unless you are caught up in MK or any MLM, that you could not possibly be…
She started with a spelling error and doubled down by misspelling her idol's name. Credibility=none
It's as if a 9 year old wrote this. Feelings, rather than facts. Conjecture, rather than substance. Disjointed thinking, poor…