As if this year’s brown ones weren’t enough of a sight, check out the 2009-2010 Mary Kay director suits! (Click on the pictures to see them full size.)
Written by PoppingThePinkBubble There are many discussions about the “Free” Mary Kay Cars. Many discussions about consultants and directors buying their way to the free car. And then, the dreaded co-pays. My Mary Kay journey and demise involves not only Read more…
Out of curiosity, I went searching through old photo albums so I could see if I had any pictures of the director debuts back when I was in Mary Kay. And voila! Here I have a picture of Sapphire director Read more…
Written by The Artist As I stepped away from Mary Kay, I remember thinking of all that I could have done if circumstances in my family had been different… shoulda… woulda… coulda. I felt that I did the best I Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Because the directors in your area have obeyed your command and are not looking at the negative website (unless they stumbled upon here accidentally) we know YOU are reading almost as much as the regular readers on Read more…
Written by The Scribbler In the interest of saving you money (and to further expose the back-alley shell game that is inventory investment), let’s revisit a statement that’s undoubtedly #3 on the “I Don’t Think You Thought Your Cunning Plan Read more…
What a difference a year makes. Check out these numbers that Mary Kay Cosmetics is reporting for calendar years 2007 and 2006. They are admitting to losing 1,000 directors in the U.S. Anyone want to bet it's more? They had Read more…
How’s this for a big kick in the pants for the Mary Kay national sales directors? One of the “perks” of being an NSD was the privilege of going on the annual NSD trip. The Advance Brochure says: “Annual luxury Read more…
I could hang around for months with King Charles, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Princess…
Entitlement, pure and simple.
Why she keeps putting blame on and speaking negatively about the hotel, I don't not.understand. They did nothing wrong here!…
She says she filed an intent to press charges. But if the jacket was handed over to Marriott, held for… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…