There's a new multi-level marketing company on the scene, with a not-so-new concept. The idea is to capitalize on an increased instance of online shopping and create a great big network of distributors who each receive a cut of the Read more…
Written by A Former Consultant When I first emerged from the Pink Fog over a year ago, I cannot begin to tell you the various emotions that I went through. I am sure you can all relate to a few, Read more…
This was an interesting little tidbit on a site that writes about Beckett Brown International, private investigators out of Washington, D.C. This site has obtained records about the work BBI performed, and reports this :
Written by GetMeOuttaHere I started the July 4th with all of my thoughts on our country and how wonderful our world is at times. As I went online and did my usual internet line-up, I came on to Pink Truth Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Mary Kay Cosmetics and its recruiters are so fond of worksheets. There are worksheets that will tell you that you’re perfect for Mary Kay. And the worksheet that magically determines that everyone (regardless of any facts) needs Read more…
Written by MaryKayExploitsWomen Mary Kay is very cunning at writing those scripts that directors are trained to use on consultants and potential recruits. Mary Kay is also very cunning in how they have created the company culture built on decades Read more…
Okay, well she didn’t exactly say that, but as we move in on our two year anniversary as a group, having originally named the site “Mary Kay Sucks” I just had to have a chance to say it… This director Read more…
Touch of Pink Cosmetics and Amy and Scott Weber have filed an answer to Mary Kay’s lawsuit against them. You can see the answer in its entirety here. I’ll summarize the high points of this answer, and give my comments Read more…
Pink Truth gets another big mention in the summer issue of Brain Child , the Magazine for Thinking Mothers. The author, Stacey Schultz, took a hard look at the multi-level marketing business model after seeing mothers who lost thousands of Read more…
Last week I received this lovely note from a Mary Kay consultant in Norway. I can feel the love across the water! I think it`s sad to read all theese storys at your page! Why would anyone have to make Read more…
Entitlement, pure and simple.
Why she keeps putting blame on and speaking negatively about the hotel, I don't not.understand. They did nothing wrong here!…
She says she filed an intent to press charges. But if the jacket was handed over to Marriott, held for… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?