I have always hated the flaunting of materialism in Mary Kay. Of course it’s nice to make a good living and to be able to afford a beautiful house. Of course people would like to make a comfortable living that Read more…
Predators don't just exist in Mary Kay. The Weekenders women who find themselves without a downline since the company has closed its doors are looking to get more money out of those downlines. What better way than to re-recruit Read more…
I am the soon to be ex-husband of a beautiful senior sales director. Her Mary Kay career was to be the primary support for our family. Believing this, I quit my job to work part time and raise our daughter. Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Let’s welcome the new superstar who comes on board for the 2007-2008 Seminar year heading straight to the top. She is about to enter a land she has never experienced before… not even in Mrs. Turner’s Girl Read more…
You’ve heard how fabulous Mary Kay Cosmetics is because they have a wonderful product loved by many. You’ve been led to believe that tons and tons of Mary Kay products are being retailed to adoring customers around the world. But Read more…
I’ve continued to look at some of the “top” units in Mary Kay. These are units with some “top directors” held up as women to admire for “doing Mary Kay the right way” and helping women to better their lives. Read more…
It seems that Allison LaMarr isn’t teaching her consultants to sell Mary Kay products. And neither are these top units and areas in Mary Kay. I’m sure a longtime nsd like Gloria Mayfield Banks is teaching her consultants to sell. Read more…
How often do we hear from the pro-Mary Kay side that MK consultants sell lots of products??? Yes, we frequently hear that gobs and gobs of Mary Kay cosmetics are ending up in the hands of gleeful customers who slather Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Okay, I wholeheartedly admit it, I’m a bibliophile. There are books in every room of my home. (Yes, THAT room, too.) As of late I am simultaneously reading four tomes: James Lileks’s Gastroanomilies, Glenn Beck’s An Read more…
Welcome to our latest installment of “No One’s Making a Living Selling Mary Kay Products.” Remember: Mary Kay isn’t about selling a product, although that’s the front they use to suck you in. Mary Kay is really an endless chain Read more…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/s/Q52DH7rYE5 And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/1japl9m/the_missing_mary_kay_jacket_update_five_the/ The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…