Written by So Lost In Wisconsin So you sat through the class. You have all the makeup on. You love it all, because your hostess and instructor have romanced the product, and now you simply can’t live without it. How Read more…
This little ditty comes from a site called “Tools You Can Use.” Basically, it is just another site that sells junk to Mary Kay consultants who don’t need it and can’t afford it. So what is “smart ordering” in Mary Read more…
This comment was so good, that I didn’t want it to get lost on the blog. It is from a husband who calls himself Blessed: There’s a piece of admiration in me for Mary Kay Cosmetics. This company is so Read more…
This gem comes from none other than Rena Tarbet, the scammiest Mary Kay national sales director around. Rena Tarbet loves to run around telling her tales of woe, while she pushes overpriced junk (videos, tapes, etc) on Mary Kay consultants Read more…
This article comes from a site called StopSpam.org. The site’s primary purpose seems to be stopping email scams. However, they included this article which addresses the multi-level marketing (MLM) and pyramid scheme issue. I think that Mary Kay falls under Read more…
Here’s a recruiting script by Mary Kay national sales director Shannon Andrews. She’s encouraging a whole lot of misrepresentations with this one! I absolutely love what I do and would love to tell you more about it! I am an Read more…
An article about making money with spa parties, but it also mentions Pink Truth and our mission to expose the lies in Mary Kay and to help women avoid the company. Excerpts from: Home spa parties great for socializing and Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Do you know what the Mary Kay message STILL IS? YOU do not have enough information to achieve the top. YOU do not have enough self discipline. YOU do not have the proper image. YOU do not Read more…
Allison LaMarr’s not-so-benevolent “Sharpen Your Edge” sessions that she calls “training” are really draining pocketbooks of Mary Kay sales directors and consultants. If Allison wants to go out and charge people money to be around her, and Mary Kay sales Read more…
Primerica Financial Services is a multi-level marketing company offering financial services such as life insurance, investments, and the like. Online Scams did an excellent post which summarized Primerica. The problem with the company is that most of the representatives have Read more…
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0I-splNYck
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…