I posted this one a few years ago, but I’m bringing it back because it’s important and amusing. The big selling point in Mary Kay (or any MLM, for that matter) is “part time hours with full-time pay.” You have Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen Lauren Wagner is attempting to become a Mary Kay sales director for the fifth time in four years and recently posted this on Facebook. June will be the last month that a consultant can qualify for a Read more…
Former top directors in Mary Kay find out quickly that their MK friends for life will turn on them in an instant. Kelly Brock found that out, for example. You’ve heard that Mary Kay is for some, and not for Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen In 2022, Jamie Taylor held her first Pink Cadillac Director Retreat. She had 8 directors in attendance: Taylor McKnight Kayla Watts Chelsea Adkins Rachel Ryan Darrian Zuspan (formerly Darrian Walker) Sabra Blevins (formerly Sabra Atkins) Brooke Racer Read more…
It breaks my heart to see this many angry women who could not make it in the Mary Kay world. Why are you blaming someone else??? It sounds like you are the ones to blame for your failure!!! All you Read more…
Written by The Scribbler It’s proudly proclaimed on most Mary Kay recruiting scripts, leaflets, and packets, most of the time in capital letters: FREE training! But is “free” a description that’s dead-on or just another fabulous fib? Pull up your Read more…
Written by PinkPeace I’m a liar. Or more precisely, I was a liar — a big one. There are few things worse to be. You can’t trust a liar; everything she says and does is suspect. A liar ultimately only Read more…
Written by An Anonymous Reader I’m generally a lurker, but I’ve posted to the site occasionally since I joined. I’ve never been in Mary Kay or any MLM, but I found Pink Truth when looking up “MLM cult” after my Read more…
You’re a new Mary Kay consultant, and you’re just learning the ropes. You’re excited, but a little scared about all the things you don’t know about your business. Your director is encouraging you to start recruiting. You want to get Read more…
the negative comments make me sick! everything is so negative when you want to see it like that…. it’s better to get over and move forward . If Mk is past, leave it in the past… my advise! don’t live Read more…
At least she's being a little bit honest here, a rarity with Mary Kay or anyone who claims to be…
"free car" I just threw up in my mouth. Graphic, but true. Nothing free about forgoing commission to "pay" for…
What I've heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong...
"she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay." Maybe that's why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her…