Written by Raisinberry How many times have we seen a pinked-fogged consultant write to all of the Pink Truth readers telling us, “No one held a gun to your head.” They want to be clear that no one was about Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Is there anyone out there who hasn’t been told by a Mary Kay recruiter, “We are not an MLM, we are dual-level!” It’s pretty much like being at Disney World in July and being told by Read more…
This one hit my inbox this month, and emails like this always make me happy. I never had a goal of “taking Mary Kay down.” My goal was always providing information so that anyone who decided to research MK could Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen Mary Kay previously prohibited paid advertising on social media by consultants. The only exception was that you could pay to boost a social media post from your business Facebook page to your followers. However, on April 3rd, Read more…
Apparently the fourth time is the charm for this Mary Kay consultant, since she failed the first three times she tried MK. She just didn’t work hard enough! Hi, I understand where everyone is coming from. I have read all Read more…
When you’re grinding away at the Mary Kay “career ladder,” they tell you to just get through DIQ and everything is smooth sailing after that. Gathering up all of your recruits and conning them all into ordering on the right Read more…
A reader of Pink Truth shares this story of her mother, who has been in Mary Kay for 25 years. For all those former Mary Kay consultants who lost money and were told they didn’t try hard enough or weren’t Read more…
Written by A Former Sales Director Twenty five years after joining Mary Kay, I chose to retire. And what did I get from the company? What did I get from my upline? Absolutely nothing. My unit was in good standing Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen Somer Fortenberry is a national sales director in Mary Kay who desperately wants to reach the Inner Circle this Seminar Year. (Side note: Remember that time a former sales director exposed how Somer cheated to get to Read more…
ok, i have like a billion things i would like to say and i dont even know where to start, but what you do is wrong, i dont know if you worked or not(which must have been the case) but Read more…
At least she's being a little bit honest here, a rarity with Mary Kay or anyone who claims to be…
"free car" I just threw up in my mouth. Graphic, but true. Nothing free about forgoing commission to "pay" for…
What I've heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong...
"she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay." Maybe that's why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her…