A reader offers this discussion of how companies analyze a market (and the territories) to decide where to place distributors/retailers. Of course, Mary Kay does no such thing, telling consultants to ignore the concept of saturation and that countless reps Read more…
Written by PinkPeace Our friends. I have made/re-ignited real friendships in the real world, once I didn’t have to worry about hanging out only with “positive” people and trying to recruit every new person I met. Make-up stashes. Mine consisted Read more…
Written by Blackbird Every successful predator knows how to hunt its prey, right? Some predators use speed, agility, or ambush to accomplish their goals. Really intelligent predators though, don’t bother wasting time and their own energy chasing or stalking things. Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen Lacey Bradford is a Mary Kay sales director who submitted for DIQ ten years ago. On one of her anniversaries, she posted about how Mary Kay had changed her life. She was able to quadruple her yearly Read more…
Why does the Pink Truth go on and on with such negativity? If you don’t like Mary Kay that is your choice but your raging ragging is over the top!! Why not take all that negative energy and try to Read more…
Written by A Mary Kay Husband As much as I love my wife, I truly resented the magnitude of the pressure she was under to perform the Mary Kay marketing plan. To do her sales job with this cosmetics company, Read more…
This video is a few years old, but it’s a good one. Truth in Advertising went through the Mary Kay lies that are so common. Their list included: 1. Earn career-level income 2. Say goodbye to car payments 3. Go Read more…
I have two recent podcasts that are wonderful for women coming out of multi-level marketing (MLM) and women looking to learn more about MLM. I was on the Divorce Survival Guide podcast with Kate Anthony, in an episode entitled The Read more…
Written by SuzyQ The process of deciding to leave Mary Kay is daunting. There are so many unanswered questions, a lot of fear, guilt, anger and grief. We get into Mary Kay and Mary Kay gets into us. At one Read more…
We haven’t done this in a long time! This is a photo from Career Conference 2024. It’s sales director Sherrie Purvis and a pair of giant pink panties. I presume this is a “put on your big girl panties” talk Read more…
At least she's being a little bit honest here, a rarity with Mary Kay or anyone who claims to be…
"free car" I just threw up in my mouth. Graphic, but true. Nothing free about forgoing commission to "pay" for…
What I've heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong...
"she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay." Maybe that's why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her…