Written by Parsons Green Lauren Wagner is trying for DIQ again! This will be her sixth time in five years. This is what it was like for Lauren trying to finish DIQ four years ago. In this video, Lauren’s director, Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose Five years ago, I finally closed my Mary Kay “business.” After 14 years of struggle, striving, and failure, I finally admitted defeat. To close out everything, I sold my remaining inventory, my customer list, and all Read more…
To the Owner of Pink Truth: I really would like to know why you are so negative. My stomach turned as I read some of the headlines on your website. Obviously, you had a bad experience, but why perpetuate negativity. Read more…
Written by A Former Consultant You’ve heard them, you’ve been taught them, and you’ve even said them yourself. Now that you are out of the Pink Fog, here’s a translation of some of the favorite scripts in Mary Kay… what Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Pink Truth Superfan and failed Mary Kay Director Heather Wickstrom announced that the MLM she went to after her MK termination, Bellame, is opening in several international markets. She would like you to join her team. Read more…
Written by Raisinberry You have landed here, on Pink Truth. You’ve read a bit and you are outraged. You are a Mary Kay consultant at any level on the career path, and you want to straighten us out. You want Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Cleta Colson Eyre is celebrating a huge milestone in Mary Kay: 40 years with the company. FORTY. That’s four decades of failure. You see, “Cleta’s Cheetahs” have been promising to become a national area for years Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant who sells Mary Kay out of her hair salon thinks we just didn’t invest properly. She must be working her business the right way! Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t Read more…
Written by Parson’s Green Mary Kay’s CEO Ryan Rogers issued a challenge to the Mary Kay sales directors! See Ryan’s Video here! He would like them to sell 100,000 sets of the Mary Kay Skin Care Line between January 1st Read more…
At the beginning of every seminar year (July 1), Mary Kay rolls out new promotions. You’ll notice that the promotions are never about what you SELL, but only about what you ORDER from Mary Kay Inc. The sales directors will Read more…
What about his dream? When they first got married, he probably dreamed of a life together, one where they worked…
The divorce rate, at least among nationals, is significantly higher than the general population. Nationals like to tout that this…
"Dream crushing"? Why is a REALITY check, and running a business like a REAL business with expenses under control, inventory…
I second locking down children's credit reports. There's at one thread a week on Reddit where some-one has committed identity…
And do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing?