Written by Frosty Rose Dear reader, you may or may not know, but everything in Mary Kay is fake. From the eyelashes, to the “summer diamonds” (sum-‘er diamonds, sum-‘er not), to the titles (Future Executive Senior Sales Director, really?), to Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose Hot take! Senior nsd Dacia Wiegandt, wanna be social influencer, is taking her girls on this beautiful day to Sephora! Keep in mind, all Mary Kay consultants are brow-beaten to only use Mary Kay products—they’re a Read more…
Melanie Hernandez is a super successful (just kidding!) Mary Kay consultant who is sad that we talked about the new director suits for 2024. She can’t fathom that there is anything wrong with MK, just that I must have a Read more…
Written by Char Sometimes I don’t think people completely understand why MLM is a scam. Not because the person is dumb, but because the rhetoric has been repeated so many times by con artists, that the public accepts it as Read more…
Written by Raisinberry We’ve been at this Pink Truth thing since 2006. Who would have thought we’d still be around? Who would have thought Mary Kay Inc. would still be operating business as usual with no meaningful change in 14 Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose Mary Kay infinite-last-names Ash used to encourage women to dream bigger. That they could achieve anything with enough belief. Just watch the women on stage, she would say. Those national sales directors in front of crowds Read more…
If your husband dares to question the Mary Kay opportunity, your recruiter wants you to be ready with these answers. Mary Kay doesn’t want something as silly as your husband’s logic to stand in the way of you purchasing inventory! Read more…
This Mary Kay consultant thinks we’re wasting time. Because all we’re doing is bashing. She clearly doesn’t understand that what we’re doing is educating people about the truth behind Mary Kay. We recognize that MK will only tell the good Read more…
I think many Mary Kay sales directors have convinced themselves that they are “working ethically.” That they’ve made themselves believe that there is nothing wrong with the Mary Kay pyramid scheme and nothing wrong with the fact that almost all Read more…
Have you ever wondered how and why Pink Truth was started? Below is a clip from my appearance on HuffPost Live (more than 10 years ago!), in which I talk briefly about my Mary Kay experience and why I started Read more…
By now she likely qualifies for Medicare. But that doesn't cover all the medical expenses, so retirees with the means…
I just hope she got out of MK and got the healthcare she needed... if she didn't, that's 45 years…
The goal in MLMs like Mary Kay: Recruit customers who will order way more product than they can ever hope…
You could remove any reference to MK in today's article and it would apply to any MLM. Rip the mask…
That. Is. Tragic. But for the grace of God, there I’d be. I am grateful for an understanding husband who…