Written by Raisinberry For the longest time I anguished over how I ever got in this Mary Kay mess. I finally got crystal clear clarity concerning one of the most evil and deceptive “attractions” that Mary Kay Cosmetics uses to Read more…
My question for you is, have you yourself had an experience with Mary Kay itself? Actually become a Consultant, really read how it all started and why? Just because some Directors and/or Consultants are not true to the Companies mission Read more…
We often talk about how Mary Kay consultants and directors are prone to ordering products they don’t need so they can “finish a goal.” Rachel Ryan has done it. Chelsea Adkins has done it. How do we know? Well when Read more…
Written by Parsons Green If a Mary Kay consultant is inactive, the company requires a $225 wholesale order to reactivate the consultant’s 50% discount. Before the new In Touch upgrade, directors could intercept those orders to give them time to Read more…
Written by PinkPeace Here’s one sales director’s reasons for being a “star consultant” in Mary Kay: 1. It’s A Good Business Decision: The best reason to be a Star Consultant is because it is a good business decision. When you Read more…
Mary Kay has a ton of national sales directors retiring in January at leadership conference. Some of them are because they’ve aged out, while others have seen the writing on the wall and are locking in their retirement benefits before Read more…
Peggy is a pastor’s wife and a die-hard Mary Kay lady. She is apparently unaware of the 99% of people who lose money in MLM. There is so much good in MK!!!! I wish people would learn how to deal Read more…
One of our favorite sources of material in Mary Kay is retired national Anita Garrett-Roe (who now goes by Anita Mallory, her maiden name). She was the top sales director in the world for the 2013-2014 seminar year. Her material Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Enthusiasm sells. It absolutely must because there is never any occasion where Mary Kay sales training starts without the facilitator telling you how excited she is. Her hope is that you will catch fire by her mere Read more…
It never ceases to amaze me how recruiters, sales directors, and NSDs make up numbers and pretend they’re reality. This piece has circulated for years. It seems to have originated with retired NSD Cheryl Warfield who made it about 20 Read more…
And the Pulitzer goes to … this post!!
Shucks, you start over every month in MK! Feel like a flop in January?? Get excited, you can feel even…
This is brilliant.
Thank you Raisinberry. The incentives in Mary Kay can be summed up this way: "We love it when you order…
If MKC drops MLM and starts to retail directly or via established retailers, watch the wholesale and retail prices drop…