Cult or Just Weird?

I was recently interviewed for a podcast about Mary Kay, done by our friends at “Cult or Just Weird.” Chris and Kayla like to talk about weird stuff that borders on cult-like behavior, so it should come as no surprise Read more…

New Mary Kay Products

A few new products have been unveiled at Mary Kay’s annual seminar.  First is a new “all natural” line of products called Mary Kay Naturally. It includes purifying cleanser, exfoliating powder, nourishing oil, and moisturizing stick. They say the ingredients Read more…

Seminar 2019 Attire

It’s been years since we done a post featuring some of the most tragic fashions from Mary Kay’s Seminar. (Mostly because I just don’t have the time to find the pictures, take screenshots, upload, etc.) But I’ve got a few Read more…