Search the Direct Selling Association’s member database for sellers of skincare and cosmetics, and you’ll find 55 members. Multi-level marketing companies selling beauty products are a dime a dozen. Arbonne International is one of the better known beauty MLMs, right Read more…
Paula Begoun, who calls herself the Cosmetics Cop, reviews Arbonne and a few of the company’s products. Paula says that she receives more email about Arbonne than any other “direct sales” cosmetics line. Now I disagree with the characterization of Read more…
Arbonne Internationalis yet another cosmetics multi-level marketing company (MLM). The company’s claim to fame is that the products are “botanical”. They market themselves as “different” from the other cosmetics MLMs, particularly Mary Kay. The bottom line, however, is that Arbonne Read more…
Indeed Wow, PinkPeace! For being so honest and humble, for owning up to one’s own “sins” and for sharing it…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
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