Written by Parsons Green Chelsea Adkins, NSD never to be, has publicly claimed that she will be a Million Dollar Sales Director this seminar year. She found this old million dollar pin in her cluttered home office and then offered Read more…
We often talk about how Mary Kay consultants and directors are prone to ordering products they don’t need so they can “finish a goal.” Rachel Ryan has done it. Chelsea Adkins has done it. How do we know? Well when Read more…
It’s been a while since we’ve discussed our favorite Mary Kay trainwreck, Chelsea Adkins. Once she started “bible school” she became much quieter on social media. But fear not! Chelsea has not given up blatant blasphemy. On Sunday, Chelsea LITERALLY Read more…
Poor Chelsea Adkins. She is delusional about this “business” she runs. She was going to be a national sales director by January 2022. She was going to be a million dollar director years ago. It’s all about smoke and mirrors Read more…
Why do I have to expose this over and over? You’d think the Mary Kay ladies would eventually start telling the truth about their pretend businesses, but no. One of our favorites, Chelsea Adkins, encouraged her team and customers to Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose and Parsonsgreen Well, folks, Leadership 2023 has come and gone, in all its wannabe-Nashville-cowgirl glory. Conspicuous consumption, dress code violations (more on that entertaining topic to come), and, of course, the opportunity for directors to increase Read more…
It’s not a “hack,” Chelsea. It’s theft. You pay for a grande drink and receive a venti. Stop bragging about your dishonesty.
Last month at the “9 Losers on a Beach” event hosted by nsd Jamie Taylor, they created a whole bunch of social media content meant to fire up the downline. Our friend Chelsea Adkins (well, legally Chelsea Claytor, since she’s Read more…
Remember in June of 2021 when Jamie Taylor got her downline to max out their credit cards so she could make it to nsd in Mary Kay? The longer video of Jamie blubbering about her downline making terrible financial decisions Read more…
Don’t you love to hear about the “Mary Kay Way” and the uplifting, positive women in Mary Kay Cosmetics? You see someone like Chelsea Adkins (Claytor) being crowned queen of something-or-another and you want to be like her. No. You. Read more…
Wish they'd had a Queen's Court of Chargebacks when I was a director. They could have given me a gold…
Mary Kay Corporate needs to change the title of their recognition courts to Queen’s Court of Orders and Queen of…
All I have is tears and anger that I fell for it and put my family in debt, lots of…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.