Mary Kay directors and consultants use all sorts of different tactics to recruit women into the scam. One of them is the “membership” idea. Remember, all we have to do is get them to sign up. Then we have a Read more…
It’s been a while since I talked about false earnings claims in Mary Kay. The easiest false claims to identify are the ones regarding how much product was sold. Take this one: Chelsea Claytor Adkins said she sold $85,000 of Read more…
Mary Kay sales director Chelsea Claytor Adkins has named it and claimed it! She will be a national sales director in one year… in January 2022. Now. Let’s remember this is the woman who bought her way into a pink Read more…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If Mary Kay is such a wonderful opportunity for women, why do you have to lie about it? The recruiting process is full of lies, half-truths, and omissions. Let’s face it, Read more…
Everyone is bragging about HUGE sales in March and April. During a pandemic!!! There has never been a better time to start a home based business, they say. Check out some of the Instagram stories and tell me if you Read more…
For the millionth time, God doesn’t give pink Cadillacs and Mary Kay is not the way to Christ. We’re always told how Mary Kay is a Christian company. That it’s faith first! The truth is that God and faith are Read more…
Last week Chelsea Claytor, Mary Kay sales director, claimed that she sold $7,000 of products in March. And that was with staying at home for 2 weeks!!!! I don’t believe it for a minute. Chelsea has lied in the past Read more…
Chelsea Claytor is lying about her sales of Mary Kay products. And so is her upline. To hear her tell it, she’s sold $40,000 of products in 8 months. It’s a blatant lie, and all part of the scheme to Read more…
Another unsurprising instance of lying about profits by a Mary Kay sales director. This time we have Chelsea Claytor saying she “played in makeup and ate cookies and cupcakes” and “made $300 profit.” False earnings claims again. Chelsea uses Mary Read more…
At first glance, you may be impressed to hear Chelsea Claytor say that she has sold $200,000 of Mary Kay products in 5 years. Wow! That’s a ton of makeup. But then you dig into the claim, and realize what Read more…
A hornet pin 😂😂😂
We’re here for you. So many of us have BEEN you. ❤️
The Queen at my DIT week had over a TEN PERCENT chargeback rate!! And she thought it was totally fine…
Wish they'd had a Queen's Court of Chargebacks when I was a director. They could have given me a gold…
Mary Kay Corporate needs to change the title of their recognition courts to Queen’s Court of Orders and Queen of…