In September 2014, multi-level marketing company Avon left the Direct Selling Association (DS) with a flourish: NEW YORK, September 12, 2014 – Avon has made the decision to withdraw from the U.S. Direct Selling Association (DSA) based on our belief Read more…
The Direct Selling Association (DSA) promotes itself as a trade association that ensures ethics and integrity among the multi-level marketing companies that are members. The real truth about the DSA is in this clip of my appearance on HuffPost Live:
The Salt Lake Tribune published a wonderful article by Steven Oberbeck, Average Multilevel Networkers Never See Idealized Gains. The article gets it right about multi-level marketing… most aren’t making any money.Tell that to a pro-MLM zealot, however, and you’ll get Read more…
A December 2006 seminar by the Direct Selling Association included this breakout session on bloggers who oppose multi-level marketing:
Robert FitzPatrick of Pyramid Scheme Alert, recently brought attention to the real political agenda of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). The DSA is a organization to which multi-level marketing (MLM) companies like Mary Kay belong. Mary Kay cites their membership Read more…
….and IBCs, directors and NSDs are crazily selling at a huge discount, more than the usual.
They are. I know this for a fact. About 2 weeks ago, the Asia-Pacific team revealed new products in a…
my thoughts exactly!
Ok, so the while supplies last part is for the samples ::facepalm::. Ryan is still getting rich off the consultomers…
I just noticed the "while supplies last" part in the small print. I'm 100% convinced that they're fixing to unload…