Chelsea Claytor is lying about her sales of Mary Kay products. And so is her upline. To hear her tell it, she’s sold $40,000 of products in 8 months. It’s a blatant lie, and all part of the scheme to Read more…
Sales director Ali Zornes: Also Ali Zornes:
We regularly talk about the false earnings claims made by Mary Kay sales directors. It’s an important issue because the MONEY is what gets so many women to sign up as beauty consultants. They’re led to believe they can make Read more…
Another unsurprising instance of lying about profits by a Mary Kay sales director. This time we have Chelsea Claytor saying she “played in makeup and ate cookies and cupcakes” and “made $300 profit.” False earnings claims again. Chelsea uses Mary Read more…
False income claims are rampant in Mary Kay, and the company doesn’t seem to do anything to stop it. Truth in Advertising (TINA) has been documenting false earnings claims by MLMs and their representatives. The FTC has started to take Read more…
A couple of years ago, I posted an article about the false earnings claims being made by Mary Kay NSD Dacia Weigandt. I had a problem with her statement that the average part-time consultant makes $5,000 to $10,000 per year. Read more…
I’m bringing back an article we published a few years ago about false earnings claims. I love these videos of sales directors lying about how much money is made in Mary Kay. The false earnings claims are so rampant because Read more…
Another day, another set of false earnings claims from someone who should know better. Mary Kay sales director Kimminee Costello posted on Facebook over the weekend. She listed a litany of “facts,” many of which are flat out lies.
I’m starting to think that we could do a whole series on the false earnings claims that sales directors and NSDs in Mary Kay do in furtherance of their recruiting activities. Of course, there are laws specifically prohibiting MLM representatives Read more…
One of the ways women are drawn into Mary Kay is with false earnings claims. Look at all the money that is being made! Anyone can do it! You can make a full-time living working part-time hours. Your Mary Kay Read more…
What about his dream? When they first got married, he probably dreamed of a life together, one where they worked…
The divorce rate, at least among nationals, is significantly higher than the general population. Nationals like to tout that this…
"Dream crushing"? Why is a REALITY check, and running a business like a REAL business with expenses under control, inventory…
I second locking down children's credit reports. There's at one thread a week on Reddit where some-one has committed identity…
And do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing?