We’ve seen this before. The transition to quitting Mary Kay. Leah Cade is considered a “top director” in MK since she sometimes appears in Applause magazine. Her commissions that have shown up in the last year ranged from 6,000 to Read more…
There are all sorts of ways to use social medial to recruit people into Mary Kay. Probably the most common is flaunting your lifestyle. (It doesn’t matter if you’re buying everything on credit or if you actually have the money, Read more…
Our good friend Chelsea Claytor Adkins, Mary Kay sales director, is the gift that keeps on giving. She proves that you have to be neither smart nor responsible to be a successful MK director. Last year she admitted that her Read more…
Chelsea Claytor Adkins leads the pack when it comes to lying about product sales in Mary Kay. I am so sick of consultants and directors pretending they sell a ton of products when they don’t. They order tons of products, Read more…
Every year, June is the biggest month for Mary Kay Inc. The most orders are placed as everyone is trying to finish directorship, cars, and unit clubs. Remember: This has nothing to do with products sold. You will see directors Read more…
They tell you that Mary Kay is all about selling cosmetics. You can make so much money, just for sharing these products with women who already use cosmetics and skin care. Yet women are not profiting from product sales. First, Read more…
Mary Kay nsd Lily Gauthreaux spent some time discussing the “99% of people lose money in MLM” statistic this weekend. Her conclusion: She knows it’s true, but she doesn’t care. Because in all of her years in MK, she has Read more…
Mary Kay nsd Lily Gathreaux educates us on how stupid we are. She hates it when people say that direct sales preys on women. Because if you’re not stupid, you just sell the products and then you make money. Lily Read more…
Can you spot the lies in these Instagram stories by Mary Kay sales director Violette Tabor? I wish the “no hassling allowed” part was true. But it’s all hassling, all the time, because recruiting is the only way to move Read more…
Sometime within the last year, sales director Gabby Blanton lost her unit. She’s under Jamie Taylor, so she’s an important part of becoming a national area. I’m sure Gabby was convinced that losing her unit was HER fault. She didn’t Read more…
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!