We regularly talk about the false earnings claims made by Mary Kay sales directors. It’s an important issue because the MONEY is what gets so many women to sign up as beauty consultants. They’re led to believe they can make Read more…
Another unsurprising instance of lying about profits by a Mary Kay sales director. This time we have Chelsea Claytor saying she “played in makeup and ate cookies and cupcakes” and “made $300 profit.” False earnings claims again. Chelsea uses Mary Read more…
Yesterday Cadillac director Ali Zornes posted Instagram stories showing her new Mary Kay office and studio in her family’s basement. She just remodeled it, and it’s cute. But I couldn’t help but notice the unit meeting area. (Yes, she did Read more…
At first glance, you may be impressed to hear Chelsea Claytor say that she has sold $200,000 of Mary Kay products in 5 years. Wow! That’s a ton of makeup. But then you dig into the claim, and realize what Read more…
False income claims are rampant in Mary Kay, and the company doesn’t seem to do anything to stop it. Truth in Advertising (TINA) has been documenting false earnings claims by MLMs and their representatives. The FTC has started to take Read more…
The iconic pink Cadillac is seen as the pinnacle of success in Mary Kay. Ask the average consumer, and they will tell you that someone who drives a pink Cadillac is making lots of money. But the truth is that Read more…
Mary Kay ladies will never tell you the truth about being a sales director: You’re likely to make only minimum wage. You’re likely to miss the minimum monthly production over and over, so if you want to keep your unit, Read more…
When you first become a Mary Kay Consultant, you are told that the “real money” is in becoming a sales director. They flaunt the “high commission checks” and make you believe that these “high checks” are normal checks. (Note: They’re Read more…
This summer (when she was desperately trying to qualify for a Cadillac), Ali Zornes was waxing poetic on Instagram about how lucky she was to find Mary Kay. And all the way at the end, she says that the Mary Read more…
When you join Mary Kay, they tell you that you should use MK products “from head to toe.” I guess that doesn’t apply if you’re an NSD. Pamela Shaw brought her makeup artist along to seminar with her (you know, Read more…
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0I-splNYck
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…