There is always a huge push to “finish” your goals by June 30. It’s the end of the seminar year, so there are extra prizes and sometimes you get to go on stage at seminar. Everyone is pushing in June, Read more…
Mary Kay sales director Ali Zornes saying she’ll never wear a uniform again for the rest of her life. Also Ali Zornes: wearing the Mary Kay sales director uniform that is required to be worn at all MK events.
Mary Kay NSD Dacia Wiegandt threw a tantrum yesterday because her Louis Vuitton bag was stolen off the baggage claim carousel in Atlanta. She was required to gate check her bag because there was no room in the overhead bins Read more…
We can pray to God about anything. But what does he listen to? And does he intervene? We are well aware of the religious abuse heaped upon women in Mary Kay and their spouses. Everyone is told to take God Read more…
Mary Kay sales directors can earn the use of a pink Cadillac if their unit does $102,000 wholesale production ($204,000 suggested retail value) in 6 months or less. (That’s $17,000 wholesale per month needed to get and maintain the Cadillac.) Read more…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!