In 2020, Kelly Brock was a top director in Mary Kay. She had recently gone on the “top director trip” with her husband. She was celebrated in Mary Kay as one of the up and coming future national sales directors. Read more…
When you want to leave the Mary Kay cult, one of the most important first steps is to stop attending the indoctrination events. Mary Kay Seminar is exactly that: a rah-rah event where they get into your head with all Read more…
I’ve been watching the life and business of former Mary Kay “top director” Kelly Brock for a couple of years now. She left MK in late 2019 to start her coaching business. At first I was mostly excited for her. Read more…
Over the last two years, we have watched Kelly Brock go from “top director” status in Mary Kay, to shunned former director, to business coach, and now to life coach. Every step of the way, she bragged about how much Read more…
If you’ve been in Mary Kay, you know that friendship is just an illusion. They talk about “my Mary Kay girlfriends” and “doing life” with their forever friends that they met through MK. I experienced this myself. My sales director Read more…
Last year Kelly Brock left Mary Kay to become a “coach.” She had no sooner gone on the top director trip with her husband…. and then she was quitting and telling the world that Mary Kay almost ruined her life Read more…
To hear former Mary Kay sales director Kelly Brock tell it, MK almost ruined her life and her marriage. Which is why I was surprised to see her wearing a MK bumblebee ring in a recent Instagram story. Sure, she Read more…
When women leave Mary Kay, I always find myself wanting them to tell the truth about what an awful company it is. And they almost never do. Our friend JTA was brave enough to tell the truth, and she likely Read more…
Time and again, we have seen Mary Kay ruin marriages. One of the biggest reasons is that members are encouraged to lie to their husbands. Lie about how much you make. Lie about how much you work. Lie about how Read more…
You can take the girl out of Mary Kay, but you can’t take the MK out of the girl! Kelly Brock left MK months ago, but she still uses Mary Kay Math (i.e. bad/wrong numbers). She’s promoting her coaching services Read more…
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!