It’s common to see Mary Kay directors and nsds flaunting their wealth. You see, it’s important to pretend that people make a lot of money in this MLM. No one is going to sign up for MK if they were Read more…
Back in November, Kristin Sharpe and her mom purchased a house in Cumming, GA. Kristin gushed on social media about how she and her husband bought the $760,000 house, but they couldn’t qualify for the mortgage so Kristin’s mom Connie Read more…
The key to understanding MLM is to look behind the curtain. It is one big fraud being perpetrated by the owners, executives, and pyramid-toppers for their own personal benefit. In Mary Kay, national sales director (NSD) is the highest position Read more…
According to Mary Kay nsd Kristin Sharpe, you can do anything if you just decide to not be a quitter! I love that she says “June is the month that character is revealed, perseverance and resiliency are tested and believe Read more…
Don’t get me wrong: Hand-me-downs are awesome for growing kids and people who like yard sales (we call them rummage sales in Wisconsin!). But as a “prize” in Mary Kay? NSD Kristin Sharpe proudly displayed on Facebook the fun time Read more…
It’s the last day of Mary Kay’s March “double credit” promotion. Last chance to pretend you sold twice as much. Twice as much as what? Twice as much as we already pretend you sold. If your unit orders $20,000 wholesale, Read more…
Mary Kay vultures continue to exploit the panic over the Coronavirus. Sure, they’re saying they’re just helping people, and they also have a business to run and are lucky to be able to do so from home. This is opportunism Read more…
As of today, Mary Kay has announced the immediate closure of its markets in Australia and New Zealand. We’ve been beating the drum about the Mary Kay scam (and more generally, the MLM scam, since they’re all the same) at Read more…
The big selling point for Mary Kay or any MLM is the financial freedom you can have. Despite the fact that 99% of MLM participants lose money, they still crow about how much you can make. A tiny fraction of Read more…
Mary Kay sales directors are currently at leadership conference in Orlando. Mary Kay Inc. loooooooves to create classes of people (as do all other MLMs). There are the haves and the have-nots in MK, and in this instance, the haves Read more…
Wish they'd had a Queen's Court of Chargebacks when I was a director. They could have given me a gold…
Mary Kay Corporate needs to change the title of their recognition courts to Queen’s Court of Orders and Queen of…
All I have is tears and anger that I fell for it and put my family in debt, lots of…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.