Yesterday we saw that one Mary Kay NSD admits almost everyone loses money in MK, and she doesn’t make an executive income (even though she’s at the top of the pyramid). Did you ever wonder exactly how much the Mary Read more…
Ah yes… another tale about how a life was changed just by going to seminar! Well, not really. If going to seminar was the “key” they claim it is, wouldn’t everyone at seminar be on the stage instead of sitting Read more…
Written by Verity Rose It’s no wonder that Mary Kay recruiters in search of a downline will encourage potential recruits to watch Your Future is Now, in which NSD Lisa Madson tells her I-story to a room full of MK Read more…
National sales director Lisa Madson says you CAN’T FAIL at Mary Kay. Apparently, all you have to do is attend seminar and you are guaranteed success. Sounds like false advertising to me! Here’s what Lisa had on her website about Read more…
I'm one of the few people here who has never sold Mary Kay. I found this site shortly after I…
Valued for who you are?? Don't order next month, quit your business and return the inventory, skip meetings to spend…
And can we compare it against the Canadian Income Disclosure I linked to earlier?
If Mary Kay really does work, how much money (after expenses please) are you making annually? Nobody here knows who…
My only two questions for you are: - Do you realize Mary Kay uses the MLM system? - Do you…