Mary Kay Cosmetics was hoping that ABC’s 20/20 would share their version of the story: that lots of products are sold, lots of money is made, and Mary Kay enriches women’s lives. Unfortunately for them, Rebecca Jarvis dug into the Read more…
Thank you for seeking out Pink Truth. You may have just seen the story on Mary Kay Cosmetics on ABC’s 20/20, and you probably want more information. Contrary to what our critics will tell you, this site is not full Read more…
Tune in to 20/20 on ABC on Friday October 2 for a story on the truth behind Mary Kay’s multi-level marketing “opportunity.” MLM is not a business opportunity, it’s a clever scam that has been made to look like a Read more…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
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And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!