It is common for multi-level marketing companies to publicize that “direct selling” (the code name for multi-level marketing or legalized pyramid schemes) picks up during a recession. The whole industry is portrayed a massive opportunity for consumers to make money Read more…
Written by Robert FitzPatrick As market-based economies become the prevailing global model, millions of people are being exposed to sales promotions, income opportunity solicitations, and investment schemes with which they have no experience or knowledge. Vulnerability to deception and the Read more…
Multi-level marketing expert Robert FitzPatrick analyzes the commission payouts to Arbonne representatives.
Robert FitzPatrick of Pyramid Scheme Alert, recently brought attention to the real political agenda of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). The DSA is a organization to which multi-level marketing (MLM) companies like Mary Kay belong. Mary Kay cites their membership Read more…
Milwaukee, WI November 22, 2006 — Pyramid Scheme Alert announces that Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, MBA, CFE has been named to the organization’s Board of Advisors. Her consumer education website,, which exposes and analyzes the business and recruiting practices Read more…
On September 27, 2006 Robert L. FitzPatrick delivered a one-hour presentation at the 7th Annual Fraud Conference of the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists in San Francisco. ACFS is a professional organization of attorneys, private investigators, forensic accountants, corporate loss Read more…
An October 2005 article from Smart Money for someone considering joining Mary Kay. QUESTION: A Mary Kay representative told me that if I became a rep, I could deduct the cost of my skin-care and cosmetics products from my taxes Read more…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.
:D I read it in a book ages ago and I loved it. I think it's a New England-ism but…
We really need the option to react with a laughing emoji. "seventeen fits in one straight row." Thanks for the…
Wow! Five boxes of masks? She must have been buying her way to something, perhaps Queen’s court or Unit sales.