Mary Kay’s “virtual seminar” 2020 kicks off on Thursday. It’s disappointing for the Kaybots to NOT have the in-person seminar. This is the time when the new sales director suits are trotted out. The suit serves a couple of purposes. Read more…
Our friend BestDecision found this flier for the prizes being handed out at Seminar 2020. Well, they really aren’t being handed out. Since Virtual Seminar 2020 is what’s happening, Mary Kay has to ship prizes to consultants. But if you Read more…
As the Mary Kay seminar year comes to a close, let’s talk about the “virtual” seminar that is planned for August. Sorry to all the women who ordered and ordered and ordered to get to certain levels. No walking across Read more…
The official word came out this morning that Mary Kay Seminar 2020 in Dallas is being canceled. They’re going to do a “virtual seminar” instead. This news won’t come as a shock to anyone. So many events are being canceled Read more…
I'm one of the few people here who has never sold Mary Kay. I found this site shortly after I…
Valued for who you are?? Don't order next month, quit your business and return the inventory, skip meetings to spend…
And can we compare it against the Canadian Income Disclosure I linked to earlier?
If Mary Kay really does work, how much money (after expenses please) are you making annually? Nobody here knows who…
My only two questions for you are: - Do you realize Mary Kay uses the MLM system? - Do you…