Written by Parsonsgreen Somer Fortenberry is a national sales director in Mary Kay who desperately wants to reach the Inner Circle this Seminar Year. (Side note: Remember that time a former sales director exposed how Somer cheated to get to Read more…
Remember Kimberly Perkins? A former sales director for Mary Kay who once drove a pink Cadillac and was going to be a lifer. She quit in March 2021 and admitted to cheating while in MK. Kimberly just HAD to walk Read more…
Somer Fortenberry wants to be a Diamond Circle nsd this year, meaning that she would bring in $200,000 in commissions (before subtracting any business expenses). The only way to do that is for lowly consultants to spend their hard-earned money Read more…
Former Cadillac sales director (more recently a Premier Club director) Kimberly Perkins has quit Mary Kay. And she’s done it with a flourish! Let’s back it up. Kimberly started MK in 2008. In 2012, she got her first pink Cadillac. Read more…
Indeed Wow, PinkPeace! For being so honest and humble, for owning up to one’s own “sins” and for sharing it…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!